
While on vacation, I have spent a lot of time pondering on the things of the Lord. The things we take for granted everyday. For instance, getting up out of our beds, being able to walk, the ability to eat, to be able to choose what we “want” to wear. And I could go on for days….but the most important part is, what we do with our abilities. We can squander them on ourselves, making sure we have the best of the best of anything and everything that comes out on the market. Or, we can seek the Lord and ask Him to direct us and lead us to the one that needs to hear about His great salvation plan. 

I think we truly miss out on the importance of being happy with who God has made us to be. Using our talents and our strengths to help others and actually show the love of God to others. You can quote me scripture all day long, but if you never show me the love that Jesus gives, you are lacking my friend. Everything Jesus did, He did out of love for us. His death, burial and resurrection was the way being made for us to be saved.

So, I guess what I have been trying to get across, give of yourself to others, be good to everyone, not just your friends. Jesus wants us to love everyone….His arms reached down to us, and they will certainly reach down to anyone else that needs His amazing touch,….Aww, if we only all loved the way Jesus loved, there wouldn’t be any crimes, killing or stealing…. there is a way to fix America, and that way is through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

Love all of you,

Sis. Sue

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