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Today in Children’s Ministry (April 6, 2014)

An update on today’s Children’s Ministry (Sunday School and Children’s Church)

Dear Parents,

Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids as we look at the exile of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Jeremiah was the son of Hilkiah the priest. He lived just north of Jerusalem. Jeremiah’s ministry began when God called him: “I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).

Who else did God call in the Old Testament? God called Noah to build an ark (Genesis 6); He called Abram to leave his home (Gen. 12:1-4); He called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt (Exodus 3). Each time God calls someone, He equips them to do His work. Like Moses, Jeremiah was hesitant: “Oh no, Lord, God! Look, I don’t know how to speak since I am only a youth” (Jeremiah 1:6). God assured Jeremiah: “I will be with you” (Jeremiah 1:8).

God called Jeremiah to be a prophet to Judah. Judah was deep in idol worship and other sins. God’s judgment was coming. Jeremiah’s job was to warn them. God gave Jeremiah two visions. The first—a branch of an almond tree—was a sign that God would keep His promise to send judgment, and He would do it soon. The second vision—a boiling pot—meant that God’s judgment was coming from the north. God would bring the Babylonians from the north as judgment on His people. Then God sent Jeremiah out to announce God’s declaration.

Jeremiah challenged the way people lived in Judah and led them to turn away from their idol worship and other sins. Christ did more than challenge how people lived; He called people to turn from their sins, and He provided the way for people to have a relationship with God.

Have an awesome week!

The Children’s Ministry Team

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This Week in Children’s Ministries (3/30/14)

Dear Parents,

Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Nahum was a prophet to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. He wasn’t the first. Remember Jonah? Jonah reluctantly went to Nineveh, saying, “In 40 days Nineveh will be demolished!” (Jonah 3:4). The Ninevites immediately repented, and God spared them. So what was Nahum doing in Nineveh?

Well, it wasn’t long after Jonah’s visit that the people went back to their old ways. Assyria had defeated Israel and was a constant threat to Judah. Nahum described Nineveh as “the city of blood, totally deceitful, full of plunder, never without prey” (Nahum 3:1). Nahum went to Nineveh to say that God’s judgment was coming. “The Lord will never leave the guilty unpunished” (Nahum 1:3).

God had shown grace to the people of Nineveh in the time of Jonah, but their sin made them guilty. Nahum echoed parts of Exodus 34:6-7: “Yahweh is … slow to anger … But He will not leave the guilty unpunished.” God was going to judge Nineveh. (See Nahum 1:2.) He would make war against them and defeat them. (Nahum 1:6) When God’s judgment came upon Nineveh, His people would be safe. (Nahum 1:7)

Nahum brought a message of comfort to God’s people, reminding them that God loves His people and will protect them from their enemies. Jesus also brought a message of comfort to His people. Jesus assured us of salvation and peace. All of the enemies of God and His children—sin, Satan, and death—were defeated at the cross. In the end, all evil will be finally punished.

God Bless!

The Children’s Ministry Team

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This Week in Children’s Ministry (March 23, 2014)

See below for a note to parents following this week’s Children’s Ministry lesson on Habakkuk. 

Dear Parents,

Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. How much time do you spend waiting? Think about it. Waiting for a traffic light to turn green, waiting in line at the post office, waiting to check your bags at the airport, waiting for coffee at the drive-thru, waiting for a phone call, waiting for a birthday, waiting on someone else. Why do we wait? We know something is coming.

A major factor in waiting is faith—”the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). This is precisely what the prophet Habakkuk addressed. He found himself in a period of waiting, first for judgment and then for revival. All around him, people were oppressed and violence escalated. “How long, Lord, must I call for help?” Habakkuk asked. “Why do You tolerate wrongdoing?”

God answered Habakkuk. God was going to raise up the Babylonians, and they would hold captive the people of Judah. Habakkuk prayed again. Yes, Judah deserved to be punished, but the Babylonians were even more wicked than Judah; how could God, in essence, bless them? God answered Habakkuk. He said the Babylonian captivity would not last forever. After some time, God was going to rescue His people and punish the Babylonians.

Habakkuk lived at a time when evil seemed to be everywhere. By faith, he trusted God’s promise that God would deliver His people. Injustice, violence, and wickedness surround us today, but we can live by faith and trust that Jesus will return to make all things right. Those who are in Christ are waiting for the fulfillment of Christ’s return. Until then, we live by faith. (See Hebrews 10:35-38.)

God Bless,

The Children’s Ministry Team

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Weekly Announcements: Sunday, March 16, 2014

Good Morning everyone! May today be the day that you are blessed beyond measure. As we pour out, God pours in! Need re-fueling? You’re in the right place. Need a healing? God still heals!  As a matter of fact, He is able to meet every need you have! Once He becomes Lord of your life, the promises in the bible are for all of us! Our prayer is for everyone to reach up and for the Lord to reach down today! God is able Church! –Pastor Larry & Sis. Sue


Casting Crowns Concert!  The group will meet at the church at 5:00 PM on Saturday night.  Please remember to submit payment today.  Each ticket cost $18.50.  We have a couple of tickets remaining-if you are interested, see Shawn or Angie Johnson.

Service UpdatePressure Points Bible Study continues at 5:00 PM tonight. 

Save the Date:  Please save the date of Saturday, April 19, 2014 for our annual Easter Egg Hunt beginning at 11:00 AM. 

Church Directory Update:  Please return to directory update form to Jane Campbell for inclusion in the updated church directory.  Pictures for the church directory will be taken on Sunday, March 23 and March 30 following the morning services.  If you’ve never been photographed, please plan to stay after.  If you have been photographed, but would like a new photo, please stay after as well!  You will receive a digital copy of your photo as well!

Food Pantry:  We are collecting items for our food pantry.  Please bring in non-perishable items, including cereal and canned vegetables and pasta sauce.  Your help is greatly appreciated. 

Vacation Bible School 2014:  If you would like to serve, please pick up a copy of important information on the back counter.  For additional information, please see Shawn Johnson.  It’s not too late to sign up.  Volunteers are needed to make this important outreach event occur!

Opportunities to ServeThere are a variety of opportunities for service at New Life.  If you are interested in volunteering to help make our efforts possible, please see Shawn Johnson (email: for additional information.  You can make a difference!

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Today in Children’s Ministry: March 16, 2014

Hi, Parents!

What an exciting day in children’s worship!  See below for a summary of what we discussed in our Sunday School and Children’s Church ministries today!

Dear Parents,

Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Today’s Bible story takes place during the early years of King Josiah’s reign, before he made his reforms. Zephaniah was a prophet to Judah during that time. Zephaniah prophesied about the Day of the Lord, when God will judge the world for its sin and Jesus Christ will return and make everything new.

Zephaniah’s prophecies were intended to get the attention of Judah. Read Zephaniah 1:14-18. Who could ignore those types of descriptions? The Day of the Lord will be universal and intense. Zephaniah made a call to action: turn back to God.

Zephaniah also described God’s promise of future restoration. A new day is coming—a day when God will bring us home. (Zephaniah 3:20) The new day dawned with Christ’s first coming, but will one day come in fullness. On the day that Jesus gathers His people and reigns in victory, this promise will ring true over us: “The Lord has removed your punishment; He has turned back your enemy. The King of Israel, Yahweh, is among you; you need no longer fear harm” (Zephaniah 3:15).

The final Day of the Lord is coming. Do not ignore the warnings of Zephaniah. Respond to Zephaniah’s admonition: “Seek the Lord … Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be concealed on the day of the Lord’s anger” (Zephaniah 2:3). If you are in Christ, you will be concealed from the Lord’s anger and experience the joy of a new day. We can look forward to and prepare for that new day. (See 2 Peter 3:13-14.) Jesus will be among us, a warrior who saves. “He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will bring you quietness with His love. He will delight in you with shouts of joy” (Zephaniah 3:17).

God Bless!
The Children’s Ministry Team

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Parenting Christian Kids, November 2013

Hello New Life!

Check out the resource below for parents. This monthly newsletter, Parenting Christian Kids, is designed to provide parents with meaningful resources to support faith development at home! If you have any questions, please e-mail Shawn at
PCK_November 2013

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Save the Date: Upcoming Events


Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events at New Life Faith Center:

  • Saturday, November 9:  Church Work Day, 8 AM
  • Wednesday, November 27:  Special Give Thanks service, 7 PM
  • Friday, December 6:  Veggie Tales Merry Larry Premiere, 6:30 PM
  • Friday, December 13:  Women’s Ministry Vintage Christmas, 6 PM
  • Sunday, December 22:  Christmas Luncheon, following morning service
  • Tuesday, December 24:  Christmas Eve Service, 6 PM
  • Tuesday, December 31:  New Year’s Eve Party, 7 PM
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Children’s Ministry Meeting this Sunday!

ImageAttention all Children’s Ministry team members!  Please plan to join us for a brief meeting on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 9:00 AM in the church fellowship hall.  We are looking forward to an exciting time of fellowship and planning ahead!



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Order a NLFC Fleece this Weekend

If you are interested in purchasing a heavy, warm, NLFC Fleece before this winter goes to full swing, now is the time.  We will again offer our signature NLFC Fleece Jacket (Blue) with our church logo imprint.  We will also have the option of having your name embroidered on the opposite chest for only $5.  Order forms for the purchase of these items will be in the church bulletin this weekend. 

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A strong harvest

Seeds of strength are planted in the soils of weakness. Your most uplifting strength tomorrow may grow from your most debilitating weakness today. –V. Gilbert Beers