Tag Archives: announcements

Weekly Announcements (October 20, 2013)

Good Morning!  We welcome you to our service this morning.  We pray that you came to receive a blessing and to be a blessing. So, get your minds upon The Lord and if you haven’t invited Him into your life, today would be a great day to do it! Pastor Larry & Sis. Sue Johnson

Today we have set aside to honor our Pastor and his wife in their service and dedication to this congregation!  Please join us in appreciating their calling and hard work!

Fall Festival:  The Fall Festival is this Saturday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.  We will need volunteers beginning at 12 Noon to set up for the event.  We are still in need of bags of Candy!

Tonight:  There will be no evening worship service this evening. 

Church Directory Update:  Please return to directory update form to Jane Campbell for inclusion in the updated church directory.

Women’s Ministry: Ladies—save the date for Vintage Christmas on December 13, from 6:00 PM till 8:00 PM.

This Wednesday:  For students in Xtreme Youth, we will begin our study called STAND.  For more information, please see Shawn Johnson.
Men’s Ministry Breakfast
:  Attention Men—Save the Date!  The Men of New Life will be at Subworks in Perryville, MD for breakfast on Saturday, October 26, 2013 at 8:00 AM.  For more information, please see Jacob Thomas. 

“I pray because I can’t help myself.  I pray because I’m helpless.  I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping.  It does not change God – it changes me.”  —C.S. Lewis

Attention Men:  If you are interested in attending Wildfire Weekend (a men’s retreat in 2014), please see Jacob Thomas for additional information.  Tickets can be purchased online.  Consider joining us for this exciting time away to grow in the Word.

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September, 2013 Newsletter

The September, 2013 Newsletter was released on Sunday, September 1, 2013.  If you click the link below you can review, save, and/or print the newsletter.  Have a happy month!

NLN_September 2013

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Training Camp for Men

Training Camp for Men

Check out this awesome opportunity for guys of all ages. For more information, please see Jacob Thomas!

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Reminder: Fall Festival Meeting Tomorrow (8.25)


Hi, everyone!

Just a quick reminder that we will have a short meeting following tomorrow morning’s services for anyone who is interested in serving during this year’s Fall Festival.  We are looking forward to serving the members of our church community by providing them with an outstanding event this fall. 

For more information, contact Shawn Johnson. 

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Weekly Announcements (Week of August 4, 2013)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Good Morning NLFC!  Just a big thank you to all that came out to the men’s breakfast yesterday! It was a good time had by all that participated.  We welcome you out to New Life Faith Center this morning and we pray that you be blessed. Remember, we are here to praise our mighty Savior and to seek Him! There is no greater love, than the love that Jesus had to lay His life down for our sins.

Every human being is made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26). Look around you: behold — and welcome — the beautiful reflections of God! May our praise and worship reflect his glory.

 Tonight:  Join us this evening at 6 PM for our evening worship service.  Don’t miss this opportunity to worship and spend time in the Word.

 “No life of faith can be lived privately. There must be overflow into the lives of others.”  —Eugene H. Peterson

Coming soon…..a new look to www.newlifefaithcenter.org with plenty of new information about our church!  Please pray for us as we undertake these revisions!

Church Directory Update:  If you have not completed a directory update form yet, please see Jane Campbell for a form to complete.  We would like to release an updated directory soon.  Please help us make this happen. 

 Save the Date:  Please mark your calendars for a special visit from one of our church’s missionaries to India, Pastor Prasad on Sunday, September 15, 2013.

 Attention All Youth!:  Save the date—Saturday, August 31, 2013.  Join us for our first-ever AMAZING RACE.  You don’t want to miss out on this fun night that will be talked about for a long time.  You’ll need to bring a change of clothes and towel with you.  Invite friends to join you!

 Count the Stars!  “Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them,” God told Abram (Genesis 15:5, NRSV). On a clear summer night, especially if you can get away from city lights, try this yourself: “Look toward heaven and count the stars …. ”

 Although none of us can count them all, someone has calculated (don’t ask me how!) that if a grain of sand represented a star, you’d need 94,608,000 railroad hopper cars full of sand to represent all the stars of the universe. If you watched all the cars pass by, one per second, you’d be standing there for three years!

 As we gaze at the sky on a warm summer night, our minds can’t comprehend such a vast universe. Yet our hearts can comprehend a God great enough to craft it.

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Sign up for text message updates!

Be in the know! Sign up for New Life’s text message updates!  It’s quick.  It’s easy.  And, it’s free (if you have text messaging on your cell phone plan!)  Just send a text to 292929 with the word newlife in the message, and bam! You’re in!  Click here  for more information.

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Women’s Ministry Meeting

Join the ladies of New Life for the November, 2010 meeting.  Make plans to attend on Friday, November 19, 2010 from 6:00-8:00 PM.  Be a part of an awesome women’s ministry meeting that cares for Christ and each other.

Fore more information, contact Sue Johnson, call our office at 410.658.3060 or visit us online at www.newlifefaithcenter.org or www.facebook.com/newlifefaithcenter.

Invite a friend!  We’ll see you there!

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