Tag Archives: fall festival

Trunk or Treat Volunteers Needed


On Saturday, October 26, 2013, New Life Faith Center will host a TRUNK OR TREAT event for members of our community from 4-6 PM.  If you are interested in supporting this event, please contact Shawn Johnson for additional information (shawnjohnson.nlfc@gmail.com).

If you would like to participate, click on the file below for more information and a registration form:

Trunk or Treat 13 Info

Looking forward to a wonderful event!

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Reminder: Fall Festival Meeting Tomorrow (8.25)


Hi, everyone!

Just a quick reminder that we will have a short meeting following tomorrow morning’s services for anyone who is interested in serving during this year’s Fall Festival.  We are looking forward to serving the members of our church community by providing them with an outstanding event this fall. 

For more information, contact Shawn Johnson. 

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